TGIF! what's new?
Latte in hand....reporting for duty

I had a busy day yesterday, but certainly not as fun as Miss Melanie and the Birthday Extravaganza! Whew....what a fun filled week you're having with your family, Annette.
Why hasn't anyone kicked me in the backside for taking on this Walk From Obesity thing??? I volunteered thousands of hours in San Diego, organizing everything form marching band competitions to weekend long music festivals. Life was so idylic here....then I open my mouth to say "no" and "sure....I can do that" pops out. I need my head examined

Well, anyway, I'm just frustrated because I have very, very little control on things, and most everything has to go through the Baptist Health Foundation and the person who I'm helping knows all these folks, knows the system, but is so busy doing her own job (hence pawning this off on me) she has little time to help me. I've been waiting more than a week for some printing to be done....can't send out pledge letters or sponsorship requests until I get them, and she hasn't gotten them done yet. Time is a BOMB!!!
Sorry to let lose. I feel better now.
Marty, sure hope the shoulder is better so you can go enjoy your golf day. You take care of yourself.....K?
Hugs and smoochies to one and all. Gotta go type a letter.
morning OFF family!!!
well its gonna be another scorching day here in wickliffe ohio....the ozone is high and they advise people to stay inside if thay have breathing problems. we have the A/C on and i feel so closed in down here in our little place....we are staying in the basement which is like a small apartment til we can get our own place...
margo where do i find a place to do the plasma thing for money??? seems easy way to make a few extra bucks...are you having any problems like eileen had when she was doing the plasma thing??
well yesterday ricks mom had an emergency and i had to go help her...the large freezer broke and all the food was thawing or already thawed out and water everywhere!!! we got it all cleaned up but man what a mess!!!!
annette you have way to much fun with those grandkids lol we can't wait til anthony gets bigger so we can enjoy doing things with him!!!
marti omg i am feeling your pain in that shoulder!!! mine is still hurting some but feels better since the massage last night!! hope your feels better soon!!!!
last night we watched a couple movies...santa claus 2 was the first one we watched...was cute...then we watched nanny mcphee another cute one....i know these are old movies but new to i am soooooooooooo far behind in movies that i will never get caught up!!! rick wants to see the X FILES movie when it comes out next weekend. it looks like it will be a good movie.
going to call a couple places and ask if they had a chance to look over my application and resume yet...might keep these people on their toes about me...couldn't hurt to keep trying i guess. also have one to drop off at a motel for front desk help. one place i turned in an app at a grocery store isn't in a very good area in my book...kind of like back home...scary to be there if you know what i watch it will be the place to call
yesterday while i was at the cafe i checked my B/P it was 108/70 and my weight still stalled out at 190....grrrrr the cafe is in a plant that makes those B/P machines that you see in the stores to check it yourself and also they make the MRI machines too and several other things for hospital use. kind of neat to see them being made...yes i turned in an app there also but heard nothing....sighs.
well time for my shower and get my face on and my hair fixed and then off to put more apps out there and check up on ones i already put in...hope you all have a wonderful day!!! keep smiling...makes people wonder what you've been up too!!!! ;)
The plasma place is called BioLife, and you can check to see if there's one near you on Then you can call for a physical ... the ones around here are really booked up, and you can't just walk in and get a physical; I had to wait almost two months to get in the first time. There were other people there I met that were WLS patients and they apparently didn't have problems; must just be me and my doctor still doesn't know why my legs swelled up. Oh well ... it was an easy way to make some extra money ... $60 a week if you go twice a week; you just sit there and read for an hour and a half.
Hope the job market opens up for you; it's a tough time for everyone out there. At least you can stand up; I would like to find a part-time job but there's not much hope there for me because everything would involve standing and with my legs and back, I just can't do that. Here's a thought: Have you checked out the local theaters? My brother worked at a theater PT, and got free movies along with his pay. You might enjoy that, being such a people person.
thanks eileen for this info!!! will check it out soon as i get back from yet another run to drop off application for work!!! my back is also killing me with the arthritis in the lower back not sure whati can do for hours on feet or sitting on butt with no padding lol
nope haven't checked out the theaters yet but if it comes to that i might...(thinking popcorn would be the death of me lol)
i do not have any of the probs with my legs that eileen had, thank goodness...but i wonder if some of that could be tied to some of her meds???
the first few times i went; i carried along a small blanket cuz when they put the saline in it is cold and teh room is very cool due to ac...i take along a book but there are magazines etc there.
anyhow- it's easy money if you are able but you won't get rich quick!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I am up and about, ready to go to Home Depot to get some ant retardent!!!! I have sugar ants all over the house!!!!!
Debbie (Cajan Angel) Just called me. She is getting ready to leave Disney World and drive home with her family. She had a wet greta time going thru the parks.
she will post more on Sunday or MOnday.
I got the results of the growth on my thyroid. I have to have a fine needle Biopsy sometime within the next 2 weeks. I hope it will be after I get back from Chicago. It is a rather large growth and very hard. Probably will have to have either the whole Thyroid removed or part of it.
Chances are it isnt Cancer. She said 99 per cent arent so hopefully it isnt.
I am off today and tomorrow. Going to a Jazz fest tonight on the water. Should be fun.
Nothing much happening here today. It is still a ozone day and I am getting tired of this stuff. This is the 3rd one and I am ready to say "Let's get on to something else now!" Oh summer and the pains of it!
Bill went and got gas this morning and it was $4.25 a gallon. So that means since the oil is going down the last few days gas has gone up .26 cents a gallon. Does that make sense? It doesn't to me but then again that doesn't mean anything. There is a lot of things that do not make sense to me. lol
I should go to the grocery but I think that I am going to do that on another day. I just loved going grocery shopping but now with the prices going up more and more everyday it isn't fun for me anymore. I just think about the amount that is going to be announced at the check out. I can only think that it is going to be more than what I budgeted for it. I personally think that it doesn't make any sense to budget for groceries now since every time you go in to the store the prices are higher than the last time. I just don't know what people with families are doing now. It is just Bill and I am things are tight. I just can't imagine.
I am going to do some things around here today. I have kind of lost control of some things and you know that once you lose control it is hard to gain it back.
Bill is counting the hours until his work week is done. One of the guys is on vacation and he is the one that acctually works as opposed to the one that is working now with him. The guy that is working with Bill now is the one that just does one or two things and then he is done for the day. Everything else gets done by Bill. I told him that I would be gripping but he said that it doesn't do any good. I can understand that since this guy is one of the big boss' favorites. Nothing will be done with him. I feel sorry for Bill since he puts up with so much crap at work.
I just saw the previews on The View of Mama Mia and I really want to see that movie. I don't know why but I do. Is anyone else going to go see it? If you do let me know if you liked it. Maybe we might go see it this week end. It will give us some free time to enjoy ourselves. Sounds good to me. One good thing about Bill is that he will go see just about anything that I want to. He usually ends up likeing them too. He is a good guy! He pretty much does what I want to and never complains. He reminds me of my dad with that trait. My dad was so patient too. I think dad and Bill have the patience of Job.
I better get going. I am sending love and prayers to all with my prayers going up for everyone. I am saying special prayers for those in need of them.
Just popping in quick to check in on everyone.
I am at my daughters in St. Paul. Kyleigh and I went to the play/musical that her boyfriend is in last night. It was Bye Bye Birdie. They did an awesome job. Kyleigh was smiling watching Logan the whole time!! They are so cute together. We went to meet the cast after and Logan came running up to Kyleigh and gave her a hug and kiss. They haven't seen each other for over a week! Oh...young love.
I am going over to my ex SIL's to pick my other two grands up for the day. Amanda called this morning and Lucas and she wants to see me. I will probably take them all to the pool this afternoon. Planning on BBQing later. Tomorrow is their dad's birthday so they will have to go back there for the weekend(his weekend with them). They are coming back home on Sunday and want to be sure I am still here then. I might just stay until Monday morning....not sure yet.
Hope everyone is doing well. Sounds like Marti took a tumble but everyone else seems okay.
Prayers, love, and hugs to all......connie d